The Applicant has entered the Profile process and defined up to 20 References. The job applicant has been encouraged to include as many references as possible. More quality references improves the overall profile.
The Reference's name and email address were entered into the process by the applicant.
The applicant initiated the Profile request to you, the Reference. As each email is sent, the Applicant's list of References updates.
We encourage our applicants to contact all references during this process to inform them of the procedures and encourage the references to complete the 17 question survey.
Job applicants review a Reference Summary Screen to see if the reference has completed the survey. At any time, a Job Applicant may resend the Reference information to the Referee.
Please inform the Applicant if you do not wish to participate so that you do not receive multiple email requests.
If you receive additional requests from additional candidates, please consider your answers carefully. While some questions may be the same, you may encounter new questions as well.
If you have any questions, please CONTACT US and we will attempt to assist you in the process.
Again, thank you. You, as a Reference, are a crucial part of the employment process.
Thank you for assisting a job applicant secure an employment opportunity. You are a vital part of the employment process.
Welcome to this new reference profile that will assist the employer select a qualified applicant for employment.
If you already understand the Reference process, please scroll to the bottom of the screen and click CONTINUE.
The Job Reference Profile will allow you to communicate confidentially to the Employer about the strong virtues of the Job Applicant.
The Profile is limited only to the specific attributes that are related to the Job.
There is no cost to you as a Reference.
There are a number of phases in the Reference Phases
The potential employer will have opened a job opportunity, defined 6 virtues, and entered job finalists into the job opportunity. The 6 virtues are drawn from a list of 20 virtues that you can review. Click the Green Box for more Virtue information. The potential employer has entered a list of finalists' names and email addresses into the Profile system.
A Reference email containing a Username and a Password will arrive via email. Please click the link to be carried to the Profile site. Once you enter the information correctly, you will be presented with 17 questions to answer. Each question relates to 2 positive virtues that we are assessing. Please select an answer to each question that best represents your understanding of the applicant. If you do not know how to answer, please select a neutral, or middle, response between 1 through 6. You will not be able to go back through your answers so please be careful with your responses. Please do not skip any questions. Once you have completed the questions, you are done. Thank you for your time and responses.
If a job candidate applies for different positions, the Profile may be quite different for each job position. Please respond to the questions as best as you assess the candidate's capacity for each position.
When ready to enter information, click CONTINUE